Work plan - the project was carried out during the period October 1, 2020 - September 30, 2023 Teaching activities (T):•T1 Theories and policies of the new economic thinking - institutions, human capital and economic resilience in the Eastern European Countries | Teorii și politici ale noii gândiri economice - instituții, capital uman și reziliență economică în țările est-europene [link] | [poster]•T2 Open labour markets in the enlarged Europe: rights, opportunities and threats | Deschiderea piețelor forței de muncă în Europa extinsă: drepturi, oportunități și amenințări [link] | [poster]•T3 Social and economic competences and skills for health professionals: systems, financing, institutions, models for practices, policies, change and reforms in the European context | Competențe sociale și economice pentru profesioniștii din domeniul sănătății [link] | [poster]•T4 Sustainable development in EU: eco-friendly practices for innovative technologies | Dezvoltarea durabilă în UE: practici ecologice pentru tehnologii inovatoare [link] | [poster]•T5 Designing research activities in European Studies: documentation, methods and dissemination | Proiectarea activităților de cercetare în studii europene: documentare, metode și diseminare [link] | [poster]•T6 Research methodology: concept, strategy and academic writing | Metodologia cercetării: concept, strategie și scriere academică [link] | [poster]Deliverables (D):•D1: Scientific papers elaboration on the courses and researches’ topics•D2: The educational assessment of the European Studies programmes in Romania (a book that addresses key issues at European Union level) [pdf file]•D3: Didactic materials elaboration on the courses topics•D4: Policy briefs in order to increase visibility of the results and foster further debates:oPolicy brief on the role of human capital in building regional economic resilience (in connection with R1) [pdf file]oPolicy brief on the assessment of the European Studies programmes according to the competences acquired by students (in connection with R2) [pdf file]oPolicy brief on the improvement of the labour market utilization for health professionals (in connection with E3) [pdf file]oPolicy brief on sustainable development in the EU: eco-friendly practices in innovation and technologies (in connection with E4) [pdf file]oPolicy brief on sustainable development through access to justice (in connection with E4) [pdf file]•D5: Guidelines to writing your thesis•D6: Project websiteResearch activities (R):•R1: The role of human capital in building regional economic resilience•R2: Addressing skill mismatch by improving tertiary education in European Studies in Romaniaoa) an updated curriculum for European Studies programmes [pdf file]ob) in-depth interviews with employers of European Studies graduates to more clearly identify the skills required on the labour market; oc) a questionnaire survey applied to over 500 students, mainly aimed at correlating the skills acquired within the European Studies programmes with the graduates’ intention to emigrate.Events (E):•E1: Workshop on advanced research tools and instruments for analysing current issues of the European Union (workshop 1; workshop 2)•E2: Academic cooperation between Romania and Moldova. Enhancing the Association Agreement through human capital development (workshop 1; workshop 2)•E3: Policy adjustments to improve the labour market utilization for health professionals in a changing economic environment. Is the European policy helpful in the area? (roundtable)•E4: Sustainable practices that decrease the environmental cost of development. How a unitary European policy can approach the topic? (roundtable)•E5: The assessment of the European Studies programmes in Romania by looking at the acquired competences (seminar1, seminar 2) •E6: European documentation and research methodology for young researchers – study visits •E7: Getting familiarised with the Jean Monnet actions (Workshop 1; Workshop 2; Workshop 3)•E8: Visibility and dissemination of research results at international conferences •E9 conferenceso2022 conference | POSTERo2023 Closing project conference
Work plan - the project was carried out during the period October 1, 2020 - September 30, 2023 Teaching activities (T):•T1 Theories and policies of the new economic thinking - institutions, human capital and economic resilience in the Eastern European Countries | Teorii și politici ale noii gândiri economice - instituții, capital uman și reziliență economică în țările est-europene [link] | [poster]•T2 Open labour markets in the enlarged Europe: rights, opportunities and threats | Deschiderea piețelor forței de muncă în Europa extinsă: drepturi, oportunități și amenințări [link] | [poster]•T3 Social and economic competences and skills for health professionals: systems, financing, institutions, models for practices, policies, change and reforms in the European context | Competențe sociale și economice pentru profesioniștii din domeniul sănătății [link] | [poster]•T4 Sustainable development in EU: eco-friendly practices for innovative technologies | Dezvoltarea durabilă în UE: practici ecologice pentru tehnologii inovatoare [link] | [poster]•T5 Designing research activities in European Studies: documentation, methods and dissemination | Proiectarea activităților de cercetare în studii europene: documentare, metode și diseminare [link] | [poster]•T6 Research methodology: concept, strategy and academic writing | Metodologia cercetării: concept, strategie și scriere academică [link] | [poster]Deliverables (D):•D1: Scientific papers elaboration on the courses and researches’ topics•D2: The educational assessment of the European Studies programmes in Romania (a book that addresses key issues at European Union level) [pdf file]•D3: Didactic materials elaboration on the courses topics•D4: Policy briefs in order to increase visibility of the results and foster further debates:oPolicy brief on the role of human capital in building regional economic resilience (in connection with R1) [pdf file]oPolicy brief on the assessment of the European Studies programmes according to the competences acquired by students (in connection with R2) [pdf file]oPolicy brief on the improvement of the labour market utilization for health professionals (in connection with E3) [pdf file]oPolicy brief on sustainable development in the EU: eco-friendly practices in innovation and technologies (in connection with E4) [pdf file]oPolicy brief on sustainable development through access to justice (in connection with E4) [pdf file]•D5: Guidelines to writing your thesis•D6: Project websiteResearch activities (R):•R1: The role of human capital in building regional economic resilience•R2: Addressing skill mismatch by improving tertiary education in European Studies in Romaniaoa) an updated curriculum for European Studies programmes [pdf file]ob) in-depth interviews with employers of European Studies graduates to more clearly identify the skills required on the labour market; oc) a questionnaire survey applied to over 500 students, mainly aimed at correlating the skills acquired within the European Studies programmes with the graduates’ intention to emigrate.Events (E):•E1: Workshop on advanced research tools and instruments for analysing current issues of the European Union (workshop 1; workshop 2)•E2: Academic cooperation between Romania and Moldova. Enhancing the Association Agreement through human capital development (workshop 1; workshop 2)•E3: Policy adjustments to improve the labour market utilization for health professionals in a changing economic environment. Is the European policy helpful in the area? (roundtable)•E4: Sustainable practices that decrease the environmental cost of development. How a unitary European policy can approach the topic? (roundtable)•E5: The assessment of the European Studies programmes in Romania by looking at the acquired competences (seminar1, seminar 2) •E6: European documentation and research methodology for young researchers – study visits •E7: Getting familiarised with the Jean Monnet actions (Workshop 1; Workshop 2; Workshop 3)•E8: Visibility and dissemination of research results at international conferences •E9 conferenceso2022 conference | POSTERo2023 Closing project conference