This project is supported by European Commission
© Centre for European Studies - Faculty of Law | Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi
T3: Social and economic competences and skills for health
professionals: systems, financing, institutions, models for practices,
policies, change and reform in the European context
1. Health as a ‘social service’ and/or an ‘economic sector’
- A description of health and the related fields
- A description of the health system (definition and description of the system Explanation of the concepts, differentiation
between medical and health
- How the other sectors of society are factors that determine health issues
2. The problem of diversity of health related issues in an unitary ‘European Vision’
- History- the evolution of knowledge how health is determined by social change (both in perceptions and organization).
- The impossibility of achieving of an unitary ‘European’ health system
- Learning, working, practicing medicine in different countries
- Description of health services and delimitation of the enrolment- in an European Vision
- Cultural codifications for health professionals
- Cultural management in health services
- Patterns, models of care and practices in some European Health Systems
3. Financing health systems
- Principles of funding mechanisms and sources
- Payment and settlement systems. Features
- Comparison between systems and presentation of comparative analyses on different criteria: type of financing, type of
balance between efficiency and equity, capacity coverage, service packs, principles of insurance, payment and settlement
arrangements, etc.)
4. Institutions and organizations in health
- Description of the organization of different types of institutions related to health and the connections between them
- The issue of hospitals as a basic element of the system, from acute to chronic care developments
- The role of state and supra-national institutions in the system
- Institutional change
-The role of WHO in managing pandemic situations
5. Physical structures in the health system. Infrastructure, logistics and technology. Territory and health
- Describing the connection between health and infrastructure (not only medical infrastructure) and the problems of distance
and space
- The problem of infrastructure changes that must occur as a result of technological changes and changes in epidemiological
and how can compensate technology lack / lag infrastructure)
6. Organization, health system governance and policies
- Health budget chapter or economic resources (presentation and controversy relationship between health management and
political factor explaining the mechanism of governance and usage policies
7. Reform and institutional change in the organization of health system
- Explaining why all systems are always in a state of reform (the main problem: the unsustainability of funding mechanisms
and social change)
- Presentation of models of reform that have been debated in the literature: value-based-system, Chronic Care Model (CCM),
Integration models, etc.
- The need for policies în other sectors to improve the health and to help the health policies
8. Health in the European and global context
- European policies and what changes they cause into the system
- Debating if there is possible to unify systems by an European Health policies
- How the European instruments can be used to improve the system
- What are the (in)compatibilities with the European vision of the Romanian system.
The participants in this course will:
Understand the health systems and contexts, the main problems in the health area and the health priorities in EU, the
European specific legislation, EU funding for health, etc;
Develop the capacity to understand and evaluate the opportunities and offers in their market;
Develop the competencies to understand and use the financial instruments;
Develop the capacity to design, work with and implement measures and policies, using health indicators and social and
economic research tools.
Competențe sociale și economice pentru profesioniștii din domeniul
sănătății [C3]
Cui se adresează cursul?
Cursul poate fi urmat de studenţi, indiferent de specializare, masteranzi, publicul larg.
Cât va dura cursul?
Acest curs va fi constituit din 18 de ore
Cum se va desfăşura cursul?- acest curs a fost finalizat
Cum se poate face înscrierea?
Înscrierea la acest curs se va completând
Notă: La finalizarea acestui curs, fiecare participant care a participat la cel putin jumatate din ore va primi un certificat de
recunoaştere a competenţelor dobândite.