This project is supported by European Commission © Centre for European Studies - Faculty of Law | Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi  
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the inf

C4: Sustainable development in EU: eco-friendly practices for

innovative technologies

1. Sustainability State-of-Art Terminology, theoretical approaches and historical events 2. EU methodological approach in Sustainable Development Agenda for Sustainable Development, Standards and Norms, Life Cycle Assessment methodological approach 3. Innovative technologies towards sustainability - affordable and clean energy Eco-friendly materials, Sustainable processes in technical area, 4. Computer based analysis Environmental impact analysis (CO2e) using computer software 5. Real case studies on sustainability practices Sustainable development in mechanical sector. Including this course in the present project proposal was promoted by two main features: first, the current trends for sustainability, expressed by economic development, eco–friendly innovations and social approaches and second, a reduced level of knowledge on European policies related to funding opportunities and social responsibility for environment protection. The course opens up an eco-friendly education and training process for future generations of engineers. It focuses mainly on two issues, in the first place, on providing information on EU funding policy and strategies, creating the base and motivation for ecological projects implementation. Secondly, it introduces in the curricula the topic of environment protection using a comparative evaluation on national and European approaches, accompanied by real case studies.  The purpose of this course is to help the students get familiarized with European policies and strategies on environmental protection but also get aware of the contribution that engineering field brings to the sustainable development process in Europe and all around the world. The aim is to make the future practitioners understand that engineering creates the bridge between theory and practice, making the sustainable development a real case scenario. Based on information provided in the course lectures, the future engineers should be able to take decisions and customize their engineering projects accordingly to European environment protection practices.

Dezvoltarea durabilă în UE: practici ecologice pentru tehnologii

inovatoare C4

Cui se adresează cursul? Cursul poate fi urmat de studenţi, indiferent de specializare, masteranzi, publicul larg. Cât va dura cursul? Acest curs va fi constituit din 15 de ore si se va derula in perioada 9-17 decembrie 2022 Cum se poate face înscrierea?-  acest curs a fost finalizat Notă: La finalizarea acestui curs, fiecare participant care a participat la cel putin jumatate din ore va primi un certificat de recunoaştere a competenţelor dobândite.
© Centre for European Studies - Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași

Dezvoltarea durabilă în UE:

practici ecologice pentru

tehnologii inovatoare C4

Cui se adresează cursul? Cursul poate fi urmat de studenţi, indiferent de specializare, masteranzi, publicul larg. Cât va dura cursul? Acest curs va fi constituit din 15 de ore si se va derula in perioada 9-17 decembrie 2022 Cum se poate face înscrierea?-  acest curs a fost finalizat Notă: La finalizarea acestui curs, fiecare participant care a participat la cel putin jumatate din ore va primi un certificat de recunoaştere a competenţelor dobândite.