Challenges and future prospects for a resilient Europe | INTERNATIONAL CONFERNCE19-20 May, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of IasiCONFERENCE RATIONALE & TOPICSCrises affect people and the societies in which they live. Thus, in the light of the current multidimensional challenges at the European Union level, there is a need to expand the debates about finding solutions to combat crises, in order to generate a more inclusive, sustainable and resilient Union. Strengthening the resilience capacity of European economies depends on the ability of governments to respond to different types of shocks through appropriate policies, adapted to the context. Answers to crises are found more easily through discussions at all levels (multi-level approach), involving both the representatives of decision-making institutions and civil society.By organizing this conference, the aim is to create a favourable framework for dialogue and analysis on the issues facing the European Union, as well as other relevant related topics.The event is addressed to all those interested in the broad spectrum of aspects that the European Union incorporates.CONFERENCE PROGRAMME [.PDF]
Challenges and future prospects for a resilient Europe | INTERNATIONAL CONFERNCE19-20 May, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of IasiCONFERENCE RATIONALE & TOPICSCrises affect people and the societies in which they live. Thus, in the light of the current multidimensional challenges at the European Union level, there is a need to expand the debates about finding solutions to combat crises, in order to generate a more inclusive, sustainable and resilient Union. Strengthening the resilience capacity of European economies depends on the ability of governments to respond to different types of shocks through appropriate policies, adapted to the context. Answers to crises are found more easily through discussions at all levels (multi-level approach), involving both the representatives of decision-making institutions and civil society.By organizing this conference, the aim is to create a favourable framework for dialogue and analysis on the issues facing the European Union, as well as other relevant related topics.The event is addressed to all those interested in the broad spectrum of aspects that the European Union incorporates.CONFERENCE PROGRAMME [.PDF]