This project is supported by European Commission
© Centre for European Studies - Faculty of Law | Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi
T2: Open labour markets in the enlarged Europe: rights,
opportunities and threats
Part 1. My Europe, my Rights - building a Europe of freedom and justice
Fundamental rights of the EU citizens. EU workers’ rights
Migration vs. Mobility - Where do EU labour come from? Patterns in Europe
Support measures to encourage labour mobility within the EU
Part 2. Better opportunities for Europe’s youth
Opportunities to access employment: job mobility portal search and youth employment initiatives
Opportunities through education and training: can they help overcoming the labour market mismatches?
Opportunities through learning mobilities
Opportunities provided by the Romanian government in order to support internal labour mobility
Part 2. Winners and losers of the labour mobility process
Migration and mobility within the EU: similarities and differences
Introduction to migration Economics: Why do people leave? Who leaves?
Do new-comers really compete with resident population when looking for a job?
Do labour guests contribute more in taxes and social contributions than they receive in benefits?
Labour market effects induced by emigration. Remittances flows. Migration networks.
Brain drain vs. Brain gain – does migration support origin country development?
Part 3. Challenges for EU policy making within the enlarging EU
Which are the current challenges for strengthening freedom and justice in Europe?
How can we support labour mobility within the EU in order to reduce labour market gaps?
How can we help migration/mobility work for development?
Europe beyond its borders: refugees and unauthorized immigration
After this course, the participants will be able to:
- being aware of the fundamental citizens' rights under EU law;
- perceiving the workers’ rights under EU law;
- knowing the support measures designed by the EU in order to encourage labour mobility;
- identifying the main opportunities emerged through the EU initiative designed to support youth employment;
- identifying the main advantages of the abolition of internal border controls and the free movement in Europe;
- assimilate the main concepts and theories relating migration in order to understand the effects migration/mobility is
generating in both source and destination countries;
- knowledge of Migration Economics;
- picturing an image of the overall migration and mobility flows, showing the leading sources and destinations regions;
- raising awareness of the importance of solidarity and tolerance in order to preserve the European project and support new-
comers integration in order to activate development mechanisms in both origin and destination countries;
- carry out a critical assessment of various measures and policies related to the European and identifying the main policy
challenges, considering that the EU proved to be taken short by the new migration context;
- knowledge regarding the latest research results, including some results of the FP7 and Horizon 2020 research projects
studied different aspects of migration.
Deschiderea piețelor forței de muncă în Europa extinsă: drepturi,
oportunități și amenințări [C2]
Cui se adresează cursul?
Cursul poate fi urmat de studenţi, indiferent de specializare, masteranzi, publicul larg.
Cât va dura cursul?
Acest curs va fi constituit din 20 de ore.
Cum se poate face înscrierea? - acest curs a fost finalizat
Notă: La finalizarea acestui curs, fiecare participant care a participat la cel putin jumatate din ore va primi un certificat de
recunoaştere a competenţelor dobândite.