© Centre for European Studies | Faculty of Law | Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași  Bulevardul Carol I, nr. 19,  Iasi - 700507, Romania  |  Phone 0040.232.201.318; Fax 0040.232.201.318  |  e-mail:  |
CES initiates and participates in research programmes in collaboration with other universities, centres and institutions from Romania and other EU countries, as well as with local and national public administration. Since its creation, CES has managed to carry out over 20 projects, using different financing sources like PHARE, Interreg, Jean Monnet, National Council of Scientific Research (NCSR), Structural Funds, European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI). Jean Monnet Chair: L'economie et la politique de l'integration europeenne C04/0024  Financed by: European Commission | Grant:50.590 € Duration: 2004-2007 Jean Monnet Module:  Romanian political and economical institutions and integration's issues - CEN CENRE Financed by: European Commission | Grant:22.900 € Duration: 2004-2007 Jean Monnet Module: Europe and the European idea. History, culture, perspectives Financed by: European Commission | Grant:22.900 € Duration: 2001-2005 Program PHARE Romania RO 9706-01--02 - Creation of Centre for Studies in Romania with research, information, education and training in European Studies with specialization in regional development Financed by: European Commission | Grant:30.160 € Duration: 2000-2007 Jean Monnet Module: Le management des services publics de sante dans l'ordre juridique europeen Financed by: European Commission | Grant:14.100 € Duration: 2009-2012 Jean Monnet Centre for Excellence for European Studies Financed by: European Commission |  Grant:75.000 € Duration: 2009-2012 Jean Monnet module: Regional programs of development and management in European Union Financed by: European Commission | Grant:21.000 € Duration: 2009-2012 European policies concerning business development Financed by: ANCS - Romanian Agency | Grant:3.643,09 lei Duration: 2009 Jean Monnet Module European Business Environment Financed by: European Commission | Grant:28.000 € Duration: 2008-2011 Strengthening the foundation of economic and social cohesion in terms of regional convergence Financed by: Romanian Reaserch Authority | Grant:18.000 € Duration: 2007-2009 Marketing Analysis for Neamt and Suceava Counties area in the framework of Est-European Places of spirits Financed by: Greece Consortium | Grant:18.500 € Duration: 2005 - 2006 JEAN MONNET Chairs Ad Personam: EU sustainable development, regional cohesion and European policies (EuReP) Financed by: European Commission | Grant:45.000 € Duration: 2013-2016 Jean Monnet Academic and research activities: The EU as regional player. Cooperation and integration in Eastern neighbourhood (EURINT) Financed by: European Commission | Grant:37.882 € Duration: 2012-2013 Jean Monnet Multilateral Research Group: CEE Banking sector stability after the reform of the European financial supervision Financed by: European Commission | Grant:28.000 € Duration: 2012-2014 Facilitarea tranziţiei de la şcoală la viaţa activă pentru studenţii din domeniul economie-afaceri internaţionale  Financed by: European Social Fund | Grant: 2.600.000 € | partner Duration: 2011-2013 Cross border educational exchanges in European Studies - favourable framework in the diminishing of the border effects at the eastern frontier of the EU - CEDES Financed by: People to People Co-operation, Joint Operational Programme Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova 2007-2013  |  Grant:148.000 € Duration: 2011-2012 Impact analysis regarding intervention and added value of Sectoral Operational Programme ”Increasing of Economic Competitiveness” in the period 2007-201 Financed by: Ministry of European Funds | Grant:25.000 ROL | partner Duration: 2015 From inspiration to implementation: Europeanisation process in Ukraine (InIM) Financed by: Visegrad Fund | Grant:5875 € | partner Duration: 2015-2016 JEAN MONNET project: The Eastern Partnership under strain – time for a rethink? (EaPpeal) Financed by: European Commission | Grant:41.072 € | coordinator Duration: 2015-2016 Bukovyna as a Contact Zone Financed by: Swiss State Secretariat for Education and Research | partner Duration: 2015-2016 "SAGES: Spatial Analysis of Growth, Environment and Sustainable Well-being", project code CF 20/27.07.2023, financing contract no. MCID - DGGCPNRR 760275/26.03.2024, project financed by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan [Planul Național de Redresare și Reziliență], PNRR-III-C9-2023 - I8_round 2, Component C9. Support for Private Sector, Research, Development and Innovation, I8. Development of a program for attracting highly specialized human resources from abroad in research, development and innovation activities. The project implementation period is from 27th of March 2024 to 30th of June 2026. The total value of the project is 5.653.582,00 lei, of which the PNRR funding amount is 5.518.599,00 lei and the VAT amount of 134.983,00 lei corresponding to the amount financed by PNRR, ensured from the budget of the coordinator of reforms and/or investments, in accordance with the legislation in force. The values of the United Europe and Ukrainian society: problems of correlation and mechanisms of transition (evu) Financed by: Representation Office of Hanns Seidel Foundation in Ukraine | Grant:5875 € | partner Duration: 2016-2017 Assessing Vulnerability and Resilience to Russian Disinformation Warfare: Practical Overview and Qualitative Evaluation of Critical Infrastructure in RO, MD, UA, LT, LV, and EST. Financed by: Black Sea Trust | Grant:24870 USD | partner Duration: 2017 ENACTED - EUROPEAN UNION AND ITS NEIGHBOURHOOD. NETWORK FOR ENHANCING EU’S ACTORNESS IN THE EASTERN BORDERLANDS (2017-2625). Financed by: ERASMUS+ | Grant: 300.000 EURO | Coordinator Duration: 2017-2020 RoSec | Boosting Romania’s role as a security provider in its immediate vicinity (the cases of Ukraine and Moldova) . Financed by:  CNCS - UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2016-0073 | 2018-2020, within PNCDI III  Duration: 2018-2020 "City:   Future   Organization   of   Changes   in   Urbanization   and   Sustainability",   project   code   CF   23/27.07.2023,   financing   contract   no. MCID    -    DGGCPNRR    760277/26.03.2024,    project    financed    by    the    National    Recovery    and    Resilience    Plan    [Planul    Național    de Redresare   și   Reziliență],   PNRR-III-C9-2023   -   I8_round   2,   Component   C9.   Support   for   Private   Sector,   Research,   Development   and Innovation,   I8.   Development   of   a   program   for   attracting   highly   specialized   human   resources   from   abroad   in   research,   development and innovation activities. Duration   27th   of   March   2024   to   30th   of   June   2026.   The   total   value   of   the   project   is   5.713.644,00 lei,   of   which   the   PNRR   funding   amount   is   5.580.797,00   lei   and   the   VAT   amount   of   132.847,00   lei   corresponding   to   the   amount financed   by   PNRR,   ensured   from   the   budget   of   the   coordinator   of   reforms   and/or   investments,   in   accordance   with   the   legislation in force. ReGrowEU | Advancing ground-breaking research in regional growth and development theories, through a resilience approach: towards a convergent, balanced and sustainable European Union. Financed by:  CNCS - UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P4-ID-PCCF-2016-0166, within PNCDI III  Duration: 2018-2021