CEE Banking sector stability after the
reform of the European financial supervision

Research Seminar:
Deposit withdrawals from
distressed banks. What can we learn from the 2008/2009 crisis?
Presents Professor Martin BROWN, Ph.D. -
University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Monday, March 31, 2014, 4:00 PM
Place: Doctoral School of Economics and
Business Administration, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi
Address: 14th Lapusneanu Street, 5th Floor, Room 502, IASI
700057 - Romania
Project title:
CEE Banking sector stability after the
reform of the European financial supervision
The European Union
is more reliant on bank credits and bank intermediation of savings,
than the United States and rest of the world. Consequently, banking
system stability plays a crucial role for sustained recovery in
Europe after the financial crises. The risk of financial instability
is driven by the economic and financial cycles over time, as well as
by the degree of interconnectedness of financial institutions and
markets. The
banking system in the CEECs is characterized by a significant
presence of foreign banks. Western European investors were attracted
by prospects of rapid growth in local markets lacking initial
capital, guaranteeing high returns. European banks have been
increasingly active in these markets, notably Swedish banks in the
Baltic States and Austrian banks in Central Europe. This situation
leaves the banking system open to (1) direct financial exposure
between European creditor countries and CEECs and (2) regional
contagion via spill-over effects and creditor channel. Finally,
exchange rate movements are an important determinant of the
financial stability in the CEECs. The vulnerability of the banking
system is not related only to the CEECs but to the systemically
important banks as well.
During the recent financial crisis, the
banking sectors in CEECs were sensitive to systemic external shocks.
Parallelly, the CEE banks affect western European bank systems.
However, the policy of the ECB focuses on the development in the
euro area only. The banks outside the euro area do not have a direct
access to refinancing possibilities in the euro area including the
ECB as a lender of last resort.
The main result is wide discussions and
specific recommendations to banking management, investors and
professional public for better understanding of new financial
architecture in the Europe. The research group seeks entry for
contributions to theoretical economics from the perspective of
changing paradigm of global financial governance and political
Project partners:
Mendel University in Brno (coord.),
Corvinus University of Budapest, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of
Iasi, University of Technology Vienna
Project website
"Bankingul se schimbă. E pregatită noua generație de marele
salt?", Vineri 14 iunie 2013 ora 10.00.
Crisis, Economic Governance and Macroeconomic Stability in
Central and Eastern Europe -
April 18 - 20, 2013
This project has been funded with
support from the European Commission, Jean Monnet Multilateral
Research Group Grant No. 530069-LLP-1-2012-1-CZ-AJM-RE "CEE Banking
sector stability after the reform of the European financial
