COMPULSORY COURSES1.The History of Europe in the XX century: Nationalism, minorities and integration2.The European Union: institutional architecture and decision-making process3.Cooperation and conflict in contemporary international relationsoModule 1: Theories of International Relations;oModule 2: Theories of cooperation and integration in the international relationsoModule 3: International organisations and conflict management4.Research Methodology5.Ethics and academic integrity
Year 1 / Second semester
COMPULSORY COURSES1.Europe after the Cold War: geopolitics and geostrategy2.The foreign, security and defence policiy of the European Union 3.European policies and economic governance in the EU4.EU diplomacy in a multipolar world5.Specialisation-related traineeshipOptional package 2*1.European area of freedom, security and justice2.Human rights protection in international and European law3.The political imaginary and the formation of European national identities (19th-20th centuries) Facultative seminars 1.European documentation: resources and databases 2.Academic writing 3.Public speaking
Year 2 / First semester
COMPULSORY COURSES1.Democracy in Europe: ideas and institutions2.The European Union and its Eastern neighbourhood: strategies and policies3.Politics and society in Central and Eastern EuropeOptional package 31.Sustainable development and the European social model2.Slavic culture and civilisation3.Regional integration in the Eurasian areaFacultative seminars 1.The centre-periphery model in regional development2.Cross-border cooperation in the EU's Eastern neighbourhood3.Energy security in Europe
Year 2 / Second semester
COMPULSORY COURSES1.Management of EU-funded projectsoModule 1: Introduction to Project ManagementoModule 2: The system of EU financing oModule 3: Practical seminars of Project Management2.Economy and business environment in Central and Eastern Europe3.The European Neighbourhood and Partnership InstrumentOptional package 4**1.Research internship2.Practical activities internship* Optional 1 out of 3** Optional 1 out of 2 PROFESSIONAL OUTCOMESSTUDY GUIDEDIPLOMA SUPPLEMENTLEARNING AGREEMENTSEMESTRAL REGISTRATION FORMCOURSE DESCRIPTIONS