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Portalul Uniunii Europene

Tratatele europene

Institutii ale Uniunii Europene

Lista expertilor juridici din reteaua Serviciului de orientare pentru cetateni


What is new on Europa?

EurActiv( EU News and Policies)

TED-Tenders Electronic Daily versiunea online a „Suplimentului la Jurnalul Oficial al Uniunii Europene", dedicata achizitiilor publice europene

EUOBSERVER(Latest EU related news)


EU institutions and other bodies

EU Glossary

EU Calendar

European Commission's Central Library

Easy Reading Corner

CORDIS Library

Europeana: think culture

The European Central Bank



European Council

European Court Of Human Rights 

Organizatioan For Security and Co-operation In Europa

European Bank For Recostruction and Development

West European Union



Site-uri institutionale:

European Commission: http://www.europa.eu.int/comm/index_en.htm

The Court of Justice of the European Communities: http://curia.eu.int/en/index.htm

European Court of Auditors: http://www.eca.eu.int/index_en.htm

The European Ombudsman Homepage: http://www.euro-ombudsman.eu.int/home/en/default.htm

The European Central Bank: http://www.ecb.int/home/html/index.en.html

European Investment Bank: http://www.eib.eu.int/

Committee of the regions: http://www.cor.eu.int/en/index.htm

European Economic and Social Committee: http://www.esc.eu.int/index_en.asp

The European Parliament: http://www.europarl.eu.int/default.htm

European Personnel Selection Office: http://www.europa.eu.int/epso/index_en.htm

The European Union's publisher: http://publications.eu.int/index_en.html

European administrative school: http://www.europa.eu.int/eas/index_en.htm

Europe aid co-operation office: http://europa.eu.int/comm/europeaid/index_en.htm


Think tanks' websites:

Centre for European Reform, UK: http://www.cer.org.uk

Friends of Europe, Belgium: http://www.friendsofeurope.org

Euroepan Institute of Romania, RO: http://www.ier.ro/index.html

The European Policy Centre (EPC), Belgium: http://www.theEPC.be

Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Belgium: http://www.ceps.be

Romanian European Community Studies Association (ECSA),RO: http://www.recsa.ro

Virtual Centre for knowledge of Europe (CVCE), LU: http://www.ena.lu/mce.cfm

Societatea Romana de Economie (SOREC), RO: http://www.sorec.ro

Romanian Academic Society (SAR), RO: http://www.sar.org.ro

New Europe College Romania, RO: http://www.nec.ro

European Research Institute: http://www.eri.bham.ac.uk/index.htm

Bruegel Institute: http://www.bruegel.org/index.php?pid=1

Centre for European Reform: http://www.cer.org.uk/

Asociatia Romana pentru Transparenta: http://www.transparency.org.ro/text.php

Fundatia Friedrich Ebert Reprezentanta in Romania: http://www.fes.ro/

Asociatiei Pro Democratia: http://www.apd.ro/index.php?pag=main

Grupul de Economie Aplicata: http://www.gea.org.ro/

Institutul pentru Politici Publice: http://www.ipp.ro/

Institutul National de Administratie: http://www.ina.gov.ro/

Centre des etudes europeennes de Strasbourg: http://www.cees-europe.fr


Online publications:

The European magazine: http://www.cafebabel.com/en/default.asp

The only Europe-wide policy journal: http://www.europesworld.org/

Eurosource: http://www.eupolitix.com/EN/

European agenda: what's on in political Brussels: http://www.european-agenda.com/

EU for journalists: http://www.eu4journalists.com/english/

Spiegel on line, special EU: http://service.spiegel.de/cache/international/0,1518,k-6717,00.html

The world leader in global business intelligence: http://www.eiu.com/

Official Journal of the European Union: http://publications.eu.int/general/oj_en.html


Agenda TEAM-EUROPE: http://team-europe.infoeuropa.ro/


 Libraries and archives


Digital libraries

  • Europeana Search the 6 million digital items belonging to European cultural collections

  • European Library Search the content of Europe’s national libraries by content type or by country

  • EU media libraries EU institutions offer photo, video and audio coverage of European news for use by broadcasters, news agencies, the written press and anyone requiring material on the EU


EU archives

Historical archives of EU institutions

NOTE: Each institution and body has its own archives service to manage its documents and files throughout their lifecycle. Access to the EU's historical archives is subject to the 30-year rule, which means that the files are opened to the public 30 years after they were produced.

The Historical Archives of the EU are administered by the European University Institute of Florence. It makes documents from the European Institutions - as well as those of pro-European movements and personalities - available to the public

See also 

DORIE - European Commission database of documents

Search the Commission's historical archives


EU inter-institutional style guide

How to write clearly








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