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  1. Tourism and sustainable development in the European policies - Gabriela Carmen Pascariu

  2. Economy and European policies - Gabriela Carmen Pascariu

  3. European policies - Gabriela Carmen Pascariu

  4. Structural and cohesion funds. The system of accessing and valorization in the economic development and convergence - Gabriela Carmen Pascariu

  5. European Union in the international relations system - Lucian Dumitru Dirdala, Teodor Lucian Moga

  6. EU Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy - Ludmila Coada

  7. Health in the European Union. Strategies and policies in the health field - Constantin Iordache, Gabriela Carmen Pascariu


  1. The center-periphery model within EU development

  2. European Sustainable Tourism. Structure, regional distribution, competitiveness and social responsibility

  3. EU Eastern Neigbourhood. Development, convergence and integration

  4. European Economy and Policies


  1. Regional development in the European Union. Economy, territoriality, policies (Round table)

  2. EurInt Conferences Series

    1. European Union in times of crisis, perspectives and solutions (first year of the project);

    2. Regional development and integration. New challenges for the EU (second year of the project);

    3. European Union. Past, present and future(third year of the project);

  3. EU-Moldova relations and the future of EU policy towards the Eastern Neighbours (seminar)

  4. EUROSTUD - The Circle of European Studies (workshop)

  5. Europe and the Youth (Lecture series)

  6. Visibility and dissemination of research results at international conferences


DELIVERABLES / Publications

  1. Centre-periphery pattern development in the EU's regions: an East-South approach

  2. Teaching Materials in EU Economy and Policies

  3. EU Eastern Neigbourhood. New challenges and perspectives

  4. Doctoral thesis in European tourism and sustainable development

  5. EURINT Conferences Proceedings | website

  6. Youngs in Europe




This project has been co-funded by the Lifelong Learning programme of the European Union:  Jean Monnet Chair Ad Personam Grant No. 2013-3015 / 001 - 001  "EU sustainable development, regional cohesion and European policies" (application no. 542962-LLP-1-2013-1-RO-AJM-CL). This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein



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