The international conference
The EU as
a model of soft power in the Eastern neighbourhood,
within the project The EU as regional player.
Cooperation and integration in Eastern neighbourhood
(EURINT), is generously supported by the European
Union under the Jean Monnet Life Long Learning
Programme - Key Activity 1. It is an international
academic event which addresses all of you, who show
a genuine interest in enhancing their research
skills in European studies and in contributing to
developing a transnational network of contacts and
The three day period (May 15-17,
2013) aims to transmit knowledge about the EU
international role, particularly in its Eastern
neighbourhood, to draw together scholars, popular
experts, civil society activists and encourage an
exchange of views.
The EU as a
model of soft power has a powerful attraction in the
world and even a much more influential one in its
near abroad. The EU has an interest in promoting its
model as a contribution to good governance,
democracy, economic prosperity and security, which
are essential pre-requisites to and effective
regional cooperation framework. It also has a major
interest in continuing to preach the merits of
sharing sovereignty as a necessary condition to
tackling many of today's global problems such as
sustainable development, poverty, the environment,
transnational crime, and more recently, the economic
crisis. Since its inception, the EU has also become
the largest trading block and aid provider in the
world which gives even more weight to its
international role.
The programme is
structured around scientific sessions with the
aim of providing participants with a
comprehensive understanding of the EU's
transformative role worldwide and in its near
abroad. Each of the sessions will be composed of
lectures delivered by international academic
experts, which will be followed, after short
brakes, by round tables and presentations of
participants' recent research. Participants will
be encouraged to take the floor with speakers
and challenge them with their own views and
reflections of the topic in a much more
interactive way. This is your chance to present
a topic that interests you and to take the role
of speaker or moderator.
The purpose of
this event is to provide a proper context for
mutual dialogue, joint knowledge and a better
understanding of the challenges the EU faces
when acting within and outside its boundaries.
In this line, the project seeks to bring
participants together under a common roof, where
European values are widely shared and diffused
beyond the national differences that
characterise us. This common approach will build
stronger and more effective future partnerships
and cooperation opportunities. In this regard,
we want to lay the foundations of a strong
network of young researchers and specialists who
will make positive changes in the future both
the EU integration project and the Eastern
Partnership region.
Till now have confirmed their presence
the following European experts:
Mitchell BELFER, Head of Department
International Relations & European Studies
Metropolitan University Prague, Czech Republic;
o Erhard BUSEK, Professor, University of Vienna,
Coordinator of the South-Eastern Cooperative
Initiative (SECI) and Chairman of the Institute
for the Danube Region and Central Europe;
o Laure DELCOUR, Senior Research Fellow
(Research Director), Institute of International
and Strategic Relations, Paris; Directorate of
European Affairs, French National School of
o Adelaide DUARTE, Professor, University of
Coimbra, Portugal;
o Adam EBERHARDT, Deputy Director of the Centre
for Eastern Studies, Warsaw, Poland;
o Gabor HUNYA, Senior Economist, Vienna
Institute for International Economic Studies,
o Masoud IMANI KALESAR, PhD, Visiting Fellow at
the European Union Institute for Security
Studies, Paris, France and journalist at
o Kaloyan KOLEV, Assistant Professor, Department
of Economics, University of Economics, Varna,
o Elena KOROSTELEVA, Professor of International
Politics, Director of Graduate Studies, School
of Politics and IR, Rutherford College,
University of Kent, United Kingdom;
o Hrant KOSTANYAN, Associate research fellow at
Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS),
Brussels, Belgium;
o Inna MELNYKOVSKA, Research Fellow at the
Institute of Political Science (International
Integration), Justus Liebig University Giessen,
o Tiiu PAAS, Professor, University of Tartu,
o Giles POLGLASE, Professor, University of Kent,
United Kingdom.
The venue for the
International Conference
The EU as a model of soft
power in the Eastern neighbourhood, May 15-17,
2013, will be the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
for European Studies (http://www.cse.uaic.ro/),
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania
Address: Centre for European
Studies, Bulevardul Carol I, nr. 19, Iasi - 700507,
Ramona Frunză - Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of
Iasi, Romania (e-mail: eurint2013@gmail.com)
Jean Monnet European Documentation Centre -
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi
1. Dates & Deadlines: - Online registration and
submission of abstracts:
March 3,
2013 - Notification of acceptance or
rejection: March 8, 2013 - Full paper submission:
April 22, 2013
2. Registration fee: 75 EURO
per participant (max. 2 papers per participant as
author or co-author). The fee covers maps, meals,
conference materials for each participant which
attend the conference. Registration is effective
after full receipt of payment. The submitter must be
(one of) the presenting author(s). All future
correspondence will in fact be sent to the submitter
Paper Submission:
Application Online
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only of the author, and the Commission cannot be
held responsible for any use which may be made
of the information contained therein.