The EU as regional
player. Cooperation and integration in Eastern neighbourhood
Jean Monnet Life
Long Learning Programme - Key Activity 1
Project Leaflet
Informative brochure
The overall objective of the project is the
development of knowledge in the EU issues in its Eastern
frontier countries as basic premise of promoting a process
of research convergence.
The specific objectives of the project are:
OBJ. 1. Creating a favourable
context/framework for open dialogue, debates, reflections,
exchange of ideas;
OBJ. 2. Improving knowledge and skills in
the field of ENP of target groups (researchers, professors,
civil society) through transfer of experience;
OBJ. 3. Promoting a support for having
speeches in front of an audience;
OBJ. 4. Reducing disparities in knowledge
and consolidating the cooperation relationships;
OBJ. 5. Identifying the directions of
development of the Eastern dimension of the ENP (challenges,
good practices, solutions), with a special focus on Ukraine
and Moldova.
Expected results:
120 trained MA students, PhD candidates
and Post-Doc fellows, academic staff and civil servants and
civil society representatives mainly from Romania, Republic
of Moldova and Ukraine, but also from other neighbouring
Established dialogue and cooperation between different
stakeholders from EU and ENP/EaP states;
Improved understanding of the actual
challenges and tendencies in the Eastern dimension of the
ENP by including the expertise of the key note speakers;
International conference "The EU as
regional player. Cooperation and integration in Eastern
neighbourhood" (main event);
Publications (edited book with the
articles presented at the conference; the most valuable
articles will be published either in the Eastern Journal of
European Studies or in CES Working Papers collection,
pertaining to our Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in
European Studies);
About 50 published articles in a edited
book, with a transnational content with a special focus on
the Eastern neighbourhood;
The formation of a new generation of
specialists in European integration issues (up to 120); for
the partipants coming from the neighbouring countries will
also represent a new experience which could considerably
contribute to their theoretical and practical knowledge,
taking into account that the organisation of such events is
rather rare within their universities;
The promotion of the research results to
different target groups (MA, PhD, Post-doc fellows, civil
society representatives);
The organising of two workshops;
The organising of one round table;
Disseminating project's publications both
hard copies and electronically;
Dissemination materials (both an
informative brochure and leaflets will be produced for the
participants and the broad public which will include in a
concise and focused approach the latest political, economic
and security achievements of the EU in its Eastern
The possibility of multiplication and
extension of project results will facilitate the
transmission of ideas and solutions generated to the
policy-makers and to the civil society, contributing in this
way to the enlargement of a necessary dialogue on
substantive issues of ENP in neighbourhood's countries.
Stronger civil and academic society for
promoting the EU policies towards its near abroad;
Improved knowledge
on European Studies with a special focus on the Eastern
dimension of the ENP/EaP;
Increased awareness of students and young
researchers vis-a-vis European matters;
Enhanced organisational capacity of the
staff members involved in the implementation;
Stronger cooperation with other
universities/research institutes (both inside and outside EU
borders), with the local authorities, mass-media, civil
society - transnational cooperation;
Institutional development and
sustainability in European studies issues;
Increased visibility, with the possibility
of multiplying the project's results, through the creation
of a system of information for target groups
The possibility to offer feedback
regarding the quality of information/organisation.