EURINT 2015: Regional development and integration. New challenges for the EU
21 - 23 May 2015
“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi - Centre for European Studies, Romania
The purpose of this 3
edition of EURINT international conference entitled Regional development and integration. New
challenges for the EU was to provide a proper context for mutual dialogue, joint knowledge and a better understanding of
the challenges the EU is facing the current European milieu marked by a gradual regionalization process. Since becoming
members of the EU the Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs) have experienced an ongoing process of
decentralization, devolution and regionalization which, in turn, brought about different ways of envisaging regional
development. By and large, regional development can be seen as a general effort to reduce regional economic disparities by
supporting several economic activities in the less development regions. Main objectives have been large-scale infrastructure
development, creating opportunities for inward investment, policies to enhance social cohesion and other top-down and
bottom-up initiatives meant to help regions to catch-up and to establish economic clusters of development.
According to this line, the conference seeks to bring additional insights into the EU policies aimed at correcting the
imbalances between regions and also to come up with valuable ideas which could contribute to framing the provision of aid
and assistance to the less economically developed regions in a tailored approach. Focusing on the European context, in
general, and on the Central Eastern Europe, in particular (including the Eastern Partnership states and Russia), EURINT
2015 conference will generate impact from a triple perspective: theoretical, empirical, and policy-making.