EURINT 2020 | Assessing the EU’s actorness in the eastern
2-3 July 2021
Since its inception, the EU’s neighbourhood strategy has hardly been able to
alleviate the difficulties this region faces. The current volatile environment
generated by the rising tensions induces significant spill-over effects over the
broader European context, ultimately altering the political initiatives and
cooperation frameworks developed in the eastern neighbourhood borderland
The 2021 edition of EURINT Conference Series focuses on bringing into
debate the EU’s actorness in the eastern borderland regions, thus aiming at
fostering academic debates and discussions that question and assess the
efficiency of the EU’s strategy towards the eastern neighbourhood. In this
regard, the conference seeks to unpack the region’s future perspectives by
trying to look into the implications of the geopolitical tensions over the
efficiency in the long-run of the EU’s role in the eastern neighbourhood, and
particularly at the borderlands’ level.
The purpose of this event is to provide a proper context for mutual dialogue,
joint knowledge and a better understanding of the effectiveness and
challenges of the EU’s neighbourhood strategy and instruments in relation to
its Eastern Partnership countries and debate whether the current design of
these instruments is still suitable for a significantly altered region marked by
the current context.
ENACTED Workshops
1. Assessing the impact and limits of the EU’s neighbourhood
instruments in the eastern borderland regions
Presentation of country (BY, HU, MD, PL, RO, UA) reports based on the
results obtained in the R1 research activity within the ENACTED network
2. Tertiary education in European Studies in the EU’s Eastern
borderlands. A cross-country analysis of the multi and interdisciplinary
curricula in relation with the stakeholder expectations
Presentation of country (BY, HU, MD, PL, RO, UA) reports based on the
results obtained in the R2 research activity within the ENACTED network