
Publications within the project
Eastern Journal of European Studies
Journal of European Studies (ISSN: 2068-6633) � is a
biannual academic journal and it seeks to provide a forum
for multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary dialogue between
ideas and a framework for theoretical and empirical
analyses, covering major areas of subjects in the European
studies field: European History, Politics, European Economy
and European Policies, EU Community Law, European Culture
and Society.
EJES is a
project of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence within the
Centre for European Studies (CES), Alexandru Ioan Cuza
University of Iasi, Romania. As CES�s primary journal,
EJES has already published the papers of researchers from
more than 40 universities and institutes all over the world.
Website: www.ejes.uaic.ro Indexed by: ESCI (Web of
Science) | Scopus | ProQuest | DOAJ | EBSCO | RePEc | CEEOL
CES Working Papers
CES Working Papers
(ISSN 2067 � 7693) The issues are not focused on a
particular subject; the papers cover different subjects
connected with the European studies. CES WP was designed in
order to offer the opportunity for young researchers to
publish their scholarly papers, the results of their
research activity, to get a feedback from other researchers,
to improve the methodology and to validate the results.
Website: www.ceswp.uaic.ro
indexed by: DOAJ | EBSCO | ProQuest |
IndexCopernicus | CEEOL | RePEc | Social Sciences
Information Space | Ulrichsweb
Europe - Newsletter
2068 - 4606)
etrangers directes. De la paradigme eclectique (OLI) a
la paradigme de l'evolution des investissements (IDP)
(2012) - Maria BIRSAN, Simona-Gabriela MAȘCA, ISBN:
978-973-703-778, (publication des resultats de recherche
doctorale, recherche realisee dans le programme de
recherche Regional Development, Convergence and
Competitiveness in Central and Eastern Europe initie
dans le projet du Centre d'Excellence)
Convergence et divergence dans le
processus de l'integration economique europeenne (2012)
- Iulia Andreea BUCUR, ISBN: 978-973-703-825-8, (publication
des resultats de recherche doctorale, recherche realisee
dans le programme Regional Development, Convergence and
Competitiveness in Central and Eastern Europe initiee
dans le projet du Centre d'Excellence)
Du Principe federatif et de la
necessite de reconstituer le Parti de la Revolution
(2012) - P.-J. Proudhon, Traduction par Monica-Luiza
Dobre, ISBN: 978-973-640-642-3
EU enlargement: dilemmas and
perspectives (2012) - Gabriela Carmen Pascariu, Ramona
Frunza, Ciprian Alupului (coord.), Editura Universitatii
"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Iasi, ISSN 978-973-703-826-5
Romania and the European Union.
Dynamics of the integration (2011) - Gabriela Carmen
Pascariu, Ramona Frunza, Ciprian Alupului (coord.),
Editura Universitatii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Iasi, ISBN:
European Union, Global Governance
and Sustainable Development (2010) - Gabriela Carmen
Pascariu, Ramona Frunza, Ciprian Alupului (coord.),
Editura Universitatii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Iasi ISBN: