The project
includes lectures, seminars, conferences, debates, studies
and research, publications, grouped into 3 categories of
specific activities: educational activities, events and
A. Educational
1. Jean Monnet
Department "The
Economy and Policy of the European
Integration", Professor Gabriela Carmen Pascariu, Ph.D.,
course coordinator
2. The management
of projects with European financing, Senior lecturer Liviu
Maha, Ph.D., course coordinator
3. European
integration course for the students in polytechnic,
Professor Maria Birsan, Ph.D., course coordinator
4. Romania and the
Republic of Moldavia in regional context, Professor
Alexandru Florin Platon, Ph.D., course coordinator
B. Events
1. The European
week at "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi (every
year, in May): conferences for young researchers, round
tables, national student scientific sessions in the field of
European studies
2. "The EU - an
active player in a globalised world" (October, 2010):
international seminar for the Ph.D. candidates
3. The European
Union - a multicultural reality (a series of seminars,
public debates, exhibitions, publications of books)
4. The role of the
structural funds in regional competitiveness, sustainable
development and cohesion in Europe (biannual series of
public debates)
5. Essay
competition "My European dream / The Europe in which I want
to live": for the students from the Bologna first cycle
6. Conferences and
documentation stages abroad
C. Products
Eastern Journal of European Studies, Editor
- Professor Maria Birsan, Ph.D., Executive Editor-
Researcher Ramona Frunza, Ph.D.
CES Working Papers, Editor - Senior
lecturer Liviu Maha, Ph.D.
Strategic Europe
- Analysis Newsletter on the strategic options of the
European Union defined by the European Councils, Editors:
Senior lecturer Mihaela Tofan, Ph.D.; Reader Virgil Stoica,
4. Publications
under the Collection "Pax Europea", series coordinator
Professor Gabriela Carmen Pascariu, Ph.D.
courses in European Studies, in charge Ciprian Alupului,
Ph.D. candidate
The activities are
going on in partnership. The partnerships are defined as the
different activities are organized.
The Chamber of
Commerce and Industry of Romania
The Plastic
Artist Association of Iasi
The European
Institute of Romania
The Academy of
Economic Studies
"Gh. Asachi"
Technical University of Iasi
The Public
University of Chisinau