
Events throughout the project
European Week at "Alexandru Ioan Cuza"
University of Iași,
9-10 mai 2014
The international conference EU Eastern Partnership
(the IXth
edition of Jean Monnet annual series of conferences)
The national session of scientific
student communications in the field of European
Studies - the Xth edition,
Essay contest : My European dream (the
VIth edition)
The series of actions “The European
Union : a multiculture"
Painting exhibitions
COPACUL SACRU / Sacred Tree - prof.univ.dr. Constantin Tofan
"US and THEM" - Bogdan Marcu
Armonii - Vasile BAZDAGA
Bouquet of stories
dragobete art.ro
Empatie cu natura - Viorel Vasiliu
150 de ani de la nasterea lui Edvard Munch / 150 years since
the birth of Edvard Munch
International symposium "Arta si traditie in
Europa" 2014
Training project management 2014 - AEGEE IASi (partners)
Non-formal ecological education 2014- Suportive you
Summer university SummerIS (partners)
The series of conferences -
European experts talking with the students and the civil society:
European Week at "Alexandru Ioan Cuza"
University of Iași,
18 - 19 april 2013
The international conference EU Eastern Partnership
(the IXth
edition of Jean Monnet annual series of conferences)
The national session of scientific
student communications in the field of European
Studies - the IXth edition,
Essay contest : My European dream (the Vth edition)
The series of actions “The European
Union : a multiculture"
The series of conferences -
European experts talking with the students and
the civil society:
prof. Adrian Ivan, UBB Cluj, Guvernanta
in Uniunea Europeana : concepte si instrumente de lucru, (26
octobre 2011),
prof. Rodica Zaharia, ASE Bucureşti,
L'Union Européenne dans l'économie globale, (24 november 2012),
prof. Mihaela Tofan, Particularities of
the legal framework for the European civil service, 15 Mai 2013,
prof. Gabriela Carmen Pascariu,
Regionalizare vs. dezvoltare regionala. Romania in context
European, Universitatea Suceava, 21 iunie 2013,
prof. Lucian Dardala, Puterea blanda a
Uniunii Europene - o critica realista, Universite Mihail
Kogalniceanu, Iasi, 25 mai 2013.
The European Week at "Alexandru Ioan
Cuza" University of Iași, 9-15 May (Poster
of the event /
The international conference - EU
enlargement: dilemmas and perspectives (the VIIIth
edition of Jean Monnet annual series of conferences)
The national session of scientific
student communications in the field of European
Studies - the VIIIth edition, 10-12 May
Adelaide DUARTE, University of
Coimbra, Portugal: Is Europe on the right track?
Karel SVOBODA, Charles
University, Prague, Czech Republic: EU and
Russia: Perspectives of partnership in the
changing world
Aurelian LAVRIC, State
University of Moldova: European Enlargement and
[Trans]Nistrian Problem from The Republic of
Essay contest: My European dream (the
IVth edition) - 11 May;
The series of actions “The European
Union: a multiculture"
Painting exhibitions
"Light and colour"
Flap, flap, flap - photography
International symposium - "Art
and tradition in Europe"
“Closer 2Europe" Campaign - (partnership
made with the Student County Council of Iasi),
7-12 May 2012:
Emil Racovită High School,
Ramona Frunză, Ph.D.,The European culture -
present and perspectives, 10 May 2012
Gr. Moisil, High School,
Mihaela Tofan, Senior Lecturer - “The
relation between national law - the European
law, 8th May 2012")
Mihai Eminescu High School,
Sorin Mazilu, Ph.D., “European values and
traditions“, 9th May 2012)
The European Union and
Europe Day Conference, Professor Alexandru
Florin Platon, Ph.D., The Economic High
School, Iasi, 9 May 2012;
The series of conferences -
European experts talking with the students and
the civil society:
Professor Adrian Ivan, UBB
Cluj, “Multi-level subsidiarity and
government in the European Union", (26
November 2011)
Professor Rodica Zaharia,
ASE Bucharest, "The European Union as
regional and global actor" (21 January
Professor Gabriela Dragan,
Manager of the European Institute of
Romania, Crisis manifestations in Europe.
The UE reactions towards the crisis and
anti-crisis policies (3 February 2012)
The process of consolidating
the European governance within the European
Union - conference lectured by Mr. Leonard
Orban (3 March)
Joanna Pesch-Konopka,
Project Officer - Jean Monnet Programme -
EACEA - Education Audiovisual & Culture
Executive Agency, The role of Jean Monnet
programmes for the promotion of the European
studies and of the academic cooperation, 9th
December 2011
Professor Maria Birsan, UAIC,
The European policies and the business
environment in the European Union, 28th
April 2012
(Event poster /
The essay contest
European dream"
(the 3rd
The Seminar "Institutional transformations and
regional development in Central and Eastern Europe"
The international seminar "
The EU - an active player in a globalised world"
(Poster /
Common Agricultural Policy: the past, the present and
the future" John Mc Clintock Conference - DG Agri
Structural funds -a role in regional
competitiveness, sustainable development and cohesion in
Europe, Round table
The series of actions "The European Union: a
multicultural reality"
The essay contest
European dream";
The series of actions "The European Union: a
multicultural reality"
Painting exhibition - Echo
International symposium "Art and tradition in
Inauguration of the new Centre
for European Documentation headquarters
of "Alexandru
Ioan Cuza" University, Iași
Epso - Marco Lopriore
Structural funds - a role in regional
competitiveness, sustainable development and cohesion in
Europe, round table, 15th of May;