Saptamana Europeana / European week
15-21 mai 2023

Centrul de Studii Europene din cadrul Facultății de Drept a Universității Alexandru Ioan Cuza și Centrul de Documentare Europeană Jean Monnet  organizează, in perioada 15-21 mai 2023, o serie de conferințe și dezbateri sub egida programului Săptămana Europeană.

17 mai | Dezbatere: Competențe pe piața europeană a muncii (17.00, i.1, corp i)
Evenimentul, prilejuit și de desemnarea de către Comisia Europeană a anului 2023 drept Anul european al competențelor, are ca obiectiv analiza oportunității organizării unor programe de studii și de formare profesională din perspectiva tendințelor pieței muncii in domeniul afacerilor europene și reliefarea competențelor pe care aceste programe trebuie să le dezvolte.   La eveniment vor participa reprezentanți ai mediului academic (studenți, absolvenți și cadre didactice) și reprezentanți ai unor instituții publice și private care activează in domeniul afacerilor europene.

18 mai | Concurs: Despre Europa
Sesiune națională pentru studenți in domeniul Studiilor Europene & Concursul de eseuri Visul meu European
Pentru că ideile sunt cele care șlefuiesc neincetat lumea din jurul nostru și pentru că proiectul european e unul in curs de cristalizare, la care fiecare dintre noi ia parte, vă invităm la un dialog constructiv al ideilor spre a vă impărtăși gandurile, opiniile sau năzuințele cu privire la realitățile care caracterizează Uniunea Europeană sau la perspectivele pe care aceasta le are in viitorul apropiat și indepărtat. 

19 mai | EURINT international conference: Challenges and future prospects for a resilient Europe  (9.00, Sala Senatului, corp A)
Crises affect people and the societies in which they live. Thus, in the light of the current multidimensional challenges at the European Union level, there is a need to expand the debates about finding solutions to combat crises, in order to generate a more inclusive, sustainable and resilient Union. Strengthening the resilience capacity of European economies depends on the ability of governments to respond to different types of shocks through appropriate policies, adapted to the context.
Answers to crises are found more easily through discussions at all levels (multi-level approach), involving both the representatives of decision-making institutions and civil society.
By organizing this conference, the aim is to create a favourable framework for dialogue and analysis on the issues facing the European Union, as well as other relevant related topics.
The event is addressed to all those interested in the broad spectrum of aspects that the European Union incorporates.

19 mai | Masă rotundă: A new agenda for a wider and resilient Union: Challenges for the next EU enlargements (11.00, Sala Senatului, corp A)
Presentation of the Analysis of a Questionnaire on Common European Attitudes Regarding the Ukrainian Integration in the European Union and debates on the following topics: (a) Ukrainian and European institutional capabilities; b) Ukrainian and European economic capacity to benefit from the enlargement.; and c) Timing of Ukrainian integration; Summing up online and in-situ contributions/short comments/opinions.

19 mai | EURES Workshop: The assessment of the European Studies programs in Romania
The purpose of this session is to emphasize how the European dimension is reflected in the higher education in Romania and to evaluate the skills acquired by students enrolled in European Studies programs, in relation to the requirements of the labor market. At the same time, it aims to create a proper environment for debating measures that can address possible existing mismatches, by referring to the European context.
This workshop is organized within Jean Monnet Module on EU Interdisciplinary Studies: Widening Knowledge for a more Resilient Union (EURES) in cooperation with Association for International Relations and European Studies (ARRISE)

19 mai | RDA Workshop: Open Science Opportunities and Practices in Social Sciences
Professionals, researchers, students, and stakeholders from national and global levels that embrace the opportunities given by Open Science research in all scientific domains and particularly in the social sciences are expected to submit an abstract for this panel.
Open access practices promote the possibility to access, find and reuse data from previous studies for free. Additionally, provided they are aligned to the FAIR movement, they also provide the grounds for reusability in research with different goals from the original one.
Opportunities and Practices of Open Science in Social Sciences have their own specific. The panel seeks discussions and contributions on both challenges for open data sharing in social sciences (such as sensitive data, lack of national research infrastructures, deficit of skills/expertise or lack of systemic incentives) and potential solutions/practices used by researchers/other parties to make research data freely available.
The potential contributions are not restricted to a specific field/topic; they can reflect a diverse set of research interests, especially in relation to social sciences. Each scientific domain has its own challenges, and an opportunity for all of us to meet and share practices can yield synergetic pathways for enhanced uptake of open science practices.
This session is organized within Research Data Aliance Project

20 mai | INDIDER Workshop: Institutions, digitization and regional development in the European Union (10.00, I.1, corp i)
The workshop represents the first event organized in the framework of the project INDI-DeR (Institutions, digitization and regional development in the European Union). The project aims to fill the lack of research on the topic of interdependencies between institutions and digitalization from the perspective of regional development, core-periphery patterns, and the inequalities dynamics. INDI-DeR addresses this gap, considering the accelerating rate of digitalization in economy and society, and the institutional transformations generated by it. The project is based on an interdisciplinary approach gathering researchers from economy, psychology, geography, regional studies, law, and ICT in order to better address the strategic priorities for enhancing the digitalization process and mitigating the development gaps.




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