EURINT 2015: European Union. Past, present and future
23-24 OCTOBER 2015
“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi - Centre for European Studies, Romania
The Centre for European Studies at the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi announces that the EURINT International
conference is set to continue with one more event coming up this autumn. The 4th edition of the EURINT Conference: European
Union. Past, present and future will be held on 23-24, October, 2015.The EURINT series was first launched in 2013 within Jean
Monnet Programme.
This year's topic promises to offer the same high quality programme, distinguished speakers, and multi-national collection of
students and participants that have come to define this exceptional event. At the conference, we shall bring together leading
experts, researchers, academics and students to focus on the past and current economic, social and political challenges that the
EU has faced throughout its integration process, but also on the future EU priorities and perspectives.The purpose of the
EURINT’s fourth edition conference is to provide and foster a forum for dialogue, debate, exchange of ideas and research
outcomes, in order to better understand the challenges and opportunities of the integration process, with all its dimensions, by
dwelling on the past, the present and the future of Europe and the EU.